Windows 11, the latest operating system from Microsoft, offers numerous exciting features and functionalities. One such feature is the ability to run virtual machines using VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a free and open-source virtualization software that allows users to create and run multiple operating systems in a single host.
In this blog, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of installing VirtualBox on Windows 11. If you are ready to have VirtualBox installed on your Windows PC, you can try installing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on Virtualbox.
What’s New in VirtualBox 7.0?
VirtualBox 7.0 introduces several exciting features and enhancements. One significant addition is the support for Secure Boot in UEFI mode, enabling users to emulate TPM chips, which are mandatory for running Windows 11. Now, you can install Windows 11 on VirtualBox 7.0 without any issues.
In addition to the functional upgrades, VirtualBox 7.0 also includes subtle yet valuable design changes, giving it a fresh and modern feel. Some menu options have been relocated, but there’s no need to worry as the overall user experience remains intuitive and familiar. Furthermore, VirtualBox now offers a dark mode, allowing you to protect your eyes and enjoy a visually appealing interface.
How to Install VirtualBox 7.0 on Windows 11
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to download and install VirtualBox 7.0 on Windows 11. The installation process remains the same even if you have a different version of the Windows operating system.
1. Open the browser and search for the virtual box. Or, simply visit to download the latest version of VirtualBox.
2. Now, to download, click on Download VirtualBox 7.0 and select Windows hosts from the platform packages to download it for the Windows operating system.

3. After the download is complete, open the VirtualBox installer file to install VirtualBox 7.0.
4. Now, in the setup wizard, click on the Next button.

5. Next, on the custom setup window, select the installation location where you want to install it. To do so, click on the Browse button and choose the desired location. If you don’t want to change it, you can keep the default location and click on the Next button.

6. Now, a warning window will appear titled Warning: Network Interfaces.
7. Click on Yes to continue. Don’t worry, it will not affect your Windows 11 operating system.

8. After that, the installer will notify you about the missing dependencies. Click on the Yes button to install them as well on your system.

9. Finally, your installation setup is completed. Here, click on the Install button to proceed with the installation process.

After that, wait for the installation process to complete. That’s it! This is how you can download and install the latest version of VirtualBox on Windows 11.
How to Install the New Extension Pack on VirtualBox
VirtualBox 7.0 comes with a new extension pack that enhances VirtualBox’s capabilities. The extension pack includes features such as VRDP support, host webcam passthrough, AES-encrypted disk image support, cloud integration, and more. Here’s how you can install it:
1. Visit the Oracle VirtualBox download page and download the VM VirtualBox Extension Pack. For that, visit this link: and click on the All supported platforms link.

2. Once the download is complete, open the VirtualBox app. Then navigate to File > Tools > Extension Pack Manager.
3. If you have any extensions installed, you have to uninstall them.
4. After that, you can install the new Extension Pack. For that, click on the Install button and select the downloaded file.
5. Then click on the Open button.

6. The VirtualBox extension pack installer will pop up. Here, click on the Install button.
7. Then read the license agreement and click on the I Agree button.

8. Once the extension pack is installed, it will appear in the list of installed extension packs. From there, you can conveniently connect USB devices, webcams, NVMe, and more to one or multiple virtual machines that you have created using VirtualBox.

By following the above-mentioned steps you can easily install VirtualBox 7.0 and the new extension pack on your Windows 11. Once it is installed, you are ready to use VM VirtualBox. If you are facing a resolution-related issue on Windows installation then you can install the Guest Additions files. For that, you can check out our guide on; how to fix Windows 11 resolution in VirtualBox.
That’s it, this is how you can download and install VirtualBox on Windows 11. We hope this article was helpful to you. Moreover, if you have any doubts regarding the installation process, you can ask them in the comments section below. We are always there to assist you.