How to Install Signal Messaging App on Ubuntu 24.04

7 Min Read
How to Install Signal on Linux Ubuntu

Signal is a cross-platform, instant messaging application that has gained popularity in recent times because of its unmatched security policies and dominant features. Because of this Ubuntu users have also raised their hands for using it on Ubuntu Linux.

Signal is a messaging application that offers secure communication through end-to-end encryption for instant messaging, voice calls, and video chats. The system has been developed to give utmost importance to user privacy and security. In this article, we will discuss how to install Signal Messaging App on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

How to Install Signal Messaging App on Ubuntu

There are several ways to install Signal on Ubuntu. After researching, we have found the four best and easiest ways to install the Signal messaging app on your Ubuntu system. Let’s begin.

1. Installing Signal from App Center

The easiest way to install any application on Ubuntu is by using the App Center.

Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Once you are logged in to your Ubuntu system, look for the in-built application App Center by searching it on the application menu and opening it.

Open App Center

2. Once it is open, look for the search option on the top-left corner of the screen, and click on it.

3. Now, type in Signal in the search bar, then click on the Signal Desktop application from the listing.


You might have to scroll down a bit to find out the Signal Desktop application.

Downloading Signal Desktop

4. Now, click on the Install button and enter the password to begin the downloading and installation process of the application.

Downloading and Installing Signal on Ubuntu

2. Installation of Signal with Snap

If you prefer installing applications from the Snap repository on Ubuntu, you can use the terminal to install Signal.

For that, you can follow the below-mentioned process.

1. Open the Terminal window by using the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T.

2. Now, type in the below command in the terminal window and press enter to run it. After that, wait for the installation process to complete.

sudo snap install signal-desktop
Installing Signal using Snap

3. Installation of Signal with APT

There is another way to install Signal using APT. For the installation of the Signal application via the APT software repository, you can follow the below-mentioned process.

1. The GPG key is required to install Signal with the APT repository. To install the GPG key, run the below-mentioned terminal command:

sudo wget -O- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg

2. Then we need to create a new configuration file signal-xenial.list and add it to the apt repository under the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. After that, we need to specify the arch and signed key, and add the source URL. To do all this, we just need to use the below-mentioned command and execute it in the terminal.

echo 'deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg] xenial main' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list

3. After this, simply update the apt package.

sudo apt update

4. Finally we will install the Signal desktop application using the below-mentioned command in the terminal.

sudo apt install signal-desktop
Installation of Signal with APT

After the installation completes, search for Signal desktop from the applications menu to launch it.

4. Installation of Signal with Flatpak

If you like Flatpak as a package manager, then follow the process mentioned below.

1. Open a terminal window and install Flatpak by executing the below-mentioned command.

sudo apt install flatpak

2. If you get a message saying – Do you want to continue? Press the Y key to continue with the installation process.

Installation of Flatpak

3. Once the installation of Flatpak is completed, just run the next command in the terminal to install the Signal desktop application. You will be asked to enter your system’s admin password.

flatpak install
Flatpak Signal Installation

Now, you are ready to use Signal on your Ubuntu. That’s it! These are the few ways to install Signal on your Ubuntu system. You can use any of the mentioned methods to do so.

How to Use Signal on Ubuntu

Once you have installed the Signal Desktop application using any of the above methods, you have to set up the application in order to use it. Let’s find out how to initiate the application and start using it on Ubuntu.

1. Open the Signal Desktop application.

2. On your smartphone, open the Signal app and tap on your profile icon.

3. Under the profile icon menu, tap on Linked Devices and click on the + icon to open the QR scanner.

4. Then with the QR scanner, scan the QR code shown on the Signal Desktop application of your Ubuntu.

5. Click on the Link device on your phone to link your Ubuntu system with your Signal app.

Signal Application QR Code on Ubuntu System

6. Now, just name the device and click on Finish linking phone to start using the Signal Desktop application on your Ubuntu system.

Name your Device for Signal App

7. After that, you are ready to use the Signal instant messaging application on your Ubuntu system.

Signal Interface on Ubuntu


Signal’s specialty is its privacy policy and security encryption which makes it different from other instant messaging applications available. Hence it’s worth trying. However, if you want to use other messaging applications on Ubuntu, you can try WhatsApp and Telegram.

He is a technical nerd by trade, having started out with computer software and hardware and then moving on to networking and telecommunications. He also enjoys smart devices and smartphones, and shares a tremendous love for cricket and music.
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