How to Install New Audio Visualizations in VLC Media Player

5 Min Read
Install New Audio Visualizations in VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player has a lot of features and customization options. One of the features that can add a new level of excitement to your music-listening experience is the audio visualizations. These visualizations can display animated graphics that are synchronized with the music.

By default, in VLC there are few audio visualization effects. However, if you want to install new visualizations in VLC, it can be a bit tricky. This article will guide you through installing new audio visualizations in VLC Media Player.

Install New Audio Visualizations in VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player includes a variety of built-in audio visualizations that can add a new level of excitement to your music-listening experience.

However, if you want to install new audio visualizations in VLC, you can do so by following these steps:

1. Visit this link to download the VLC Audio Visualization file. It will be in .tar.gz format. So you need to extract it to get the proper files.

projectM Files Download Page


You can find a variety of audio visualizations online by doing a simple search. There are many free and paid options available.

2. Once; you have downloaded the audio visualization file, extract the files from the archive. To extract the file, you can use WinRAR or WinZip. After the successful extract, the files will be located in the projectM-complete-2.1.0-named Source folder.

3. Open the projectM-complete-2.1.0-Source folder and make sure that it has the following subfolders.

  • presets_milkdrop
  • presets_milkdrop_104
  • presets_milkdrop_200
  • presets_projectM
  • presets
  • presets_yin
projectM Downloaded Files on File Explorer

4. Now copy the presets_milkdrop subfolder to the following location C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\Visualizations\. If you can’t find the Visualizations folder inside the VLC directory, create a new folder inside the VLC directory and name it Visualizations.

Coyping presets_milkdrop folder location

5. After that, open VLC Media Player on your computer.

6. Then, click on the Tools option on the top menu bar and then click on Preferences. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P to open the preferences window.

Accessing Preferences Option on VLC

7. Click the All radio button at the bottom to access the Advanced Settings menu.

Accessing the Advanced Settings Menu

8. Here, navigate to Audio > projectM and point to C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\Visualizations/presets_milkdrop, under the “projectM present path” option.

9. Then click on the Save button.

A Screenshot Showing you to Change the projectM Present Path

Enable Audio Visualizations in the VLC Media Player

With VLC Media Player, you can easily enable audio visualizations and choose from a variety of options to suit your preferences. It offers seven different audio visualization animations: Spectrometer, Scope, Spectrum, Vu Meter, Goom, ProjectM, and 3D Spectrum.

Here are the steps to enable them:

1. Open the VLC Media Player.

2. Click the Media tab from the top menu and click on the Open File option.

3. Then navigate to the audio file you want to play.

Accessing Menu to Open New Audio and Video File

4. To enable the audio visualizations in VLC, click on the Audio tab at the top of the screen. It will open a drop-down menu with several audio options. Click the Visualizations option and select the visualization animation you want to enable.

List of Audio Visualizations Animation in VLC

5. If you want to disable it, you can navigate to the Audio tab and select the Disable option on the menu that appears. However, this setting will only apply to the current audio playing if you close the VLC and restart it again. You will not get the audio visualization animation.

Save VLC Audio Visualizations Filter

The visualization applied in the above steps is just temporary. It will be restored to Disable after you close the VLC Media Player. To save specific audio visualization filters, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Click on the Tools menu at the top of the screen and select Preferences.

2. Click on the Audio tab in the Preferences window.

3. After that, select the visualization you want to use under the Effect section from the drop-down menu.

Audio Visualization Preferences Settings in VLC

4. Then click Save and restart VLC to apply your changes.

This will permanently enable the audio visualization setting in VLC until you disable it in the preferences. That’s it! This is how you can enable audio visualizations in VLC Media Player. You can also adjust the playback settings in VLC to enhance your experience.

Chandan is 18 years old, loves everything to do with technology and is a content writer. Right now, he's navigating his way through undergrad studies at the University of Delhi. When he's not busy with books, he brings out his creative side through drawings.

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