Windows 11 also comes with an expiry date if you are running an Insider Preview build, organization Windows activation, or running a trial version of the Windows operating system. Also, if you are using a pirated copy of the Windows operating system, you will have an expiry date too. To know the exact expiry date, you can follow this guide.
Here, we are going to learn how we can check when the Windows build is going to expire. If you are wondering why there is an expiry date, let me tell you that it depends on the type of Windows license you have installed on your system. If you want to know the license type, then you can check out our detailed guide on how to tell if a Windows 11 license is Retail, OEM, or Volume.
How to Check When Your Windows 11 Build is Expiring
The expiry date only applies to unstable Insider Preview versions of Windows 11 or trial versions of Windows 11. Stable versions of Windows 11 will never expire and stop working, even when Microsoft stops updating them with security patches.
However, to ensure that your Windows does not have an expiry date, you can follow the following methods.
Here, we are going to discuss two methods by which we can check the expiry date of the Windows build.
1. Using Command Prompt
Here are the steps, you can follow to check the expiry date of your Windows 11 operating system using the Command Prompt:
1. On the new Windows 11 we get a centered taskbar, click on the Windows icon to open the Start Menu. Here, on the search bar type – Command Prompt and run it as administrator.

2. Now, type the following command and press Enter to know the expiry date of your Windows build:
Slmgr /xpr

3. This command will open Window Script Host. If your Windows system is permanently activated, then you will get the below screenshot message.

4. If your Windows system comes with an expiry date, then you will get your Windows activation methods name and the expiry date of the build.

2. Using winver
You can check the expiry date of your Windows build from the winver application. For that, you can follow the following steps:
1. Click on the Windows Icon on the Taskbar.
2. Search for winver in the Start Menu search option and press Enter.
3. You can also use the Run function. For that, press Windows + R to open the Run dialog, type winver, and press the Enter key.

4. If your Windows build comes with an expiry date, you will find a dialog displaying your Windows build expiry date and time. The ‘winver‘ dialog will also show you the Windows build you’re using and other information about your Windows build.

That’s it, these are the methods you can use to check when your Windows 11 build is expiring. However, if you are sure that you have a permanent Windows activation license key installed on your system, then there might be some issues with the Windows activation key. For that, follow our guide on fixing Windows will expire soon error.
so approach with command line shows me that im gonna lose my windows 11 in 1.19.2038
but second approach shows no date , so that means i am not gonna lose my windows
which i should trust ?
If you have updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11, then you have to trust the command line.