How to Enable Incognito Mode on your Chromebook

4 Min Read
How to Enable Incognito Mode on your Chromebook

Most browsers include an Incognito mode that allows users to surf anonymously without saving the search or browsing history locally. Google Chrome also has an incognito mode tailored for Chromebooks. Here, we’ll explore three different methods to go incognito on a Chromebook: using Chrome’s menu, utilizing a keyboard shortcut, and leveraging quick options.

If you don’t know what Incognito mode is, let me tell you that Incognito mode can help keep your browsing data private by not saving your history and wiping cookies automatically. It clears your browser cache and cookies once you close the browser.

How to Enable Incognito Mode on your Chromebook

Here are the steps to enable Incognito Mode on Chromebook:

1. Open the Google Chrome browser on your Chromebook.

2. Click on the three-dot icon. You will find it in the top right corner of the screen.

3. Here, you will find a context menu. Click the New Incognito Tab option to enable incognito mode. Alternatively, use Ctrl + Shift + N keyboard shortcut, to enable it.

4. You will see a message that says You’ve Gone Incognito in the middle of the screen. Now, you are ready to browse the internet anonymously.

5. Click on the Incognito icon in the top right corner and click on the Close Incognito option to exit the Incognito mode.


Websites you visit can still be tracked by the internet service provider and Google whenever you are browsing using the Incognito mode. It only doesn’t save your browsing history and cookies locally on your device.

2. Using Keyboard Shortcut

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to open Incognito Mode on your Chromebook. For this, you don’t even have to open the Google Chrome browser.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Press the Ctrl + Shift + N keys, and you’ll go incognito instantly.

2. To close the incognito mode using a keyboard shortcut, press Ctrl + W.

These are the keyboard shortcuts you can use to open and close the Incognito window on your Chromebook.

3. Using Quick Shortcut

There is another quick and easy method to open Incognito Mode on your Chromebook. Right-click the Chrome icon in the Shelf, select the New Incognito window option, and it will open a new incognito window.

New Incognito Window


While Incognito Mode on your Chromebook provides a level of privacy by concealing your browsing activity locally, it’s essential to recognize its limitations. Despite hiding your history from your device, this mode does not shield you from tracking by Google and your Internet service provider. They retain the ability to monitor your online actions even when you’re in Incognito mode.

For those seeking an additional layer of privacy, consider deleting your Google Web & App Activity. This step helps in minimizing the traces left behind. Remember, though, that even with these measures, achieving complete online anonymity is challenging. For more privacy and security, you can use a VPN.

He is a professional content writer specializing in technology, How-to and troubleshooting guides for Windows operating systems, Linux, Chromebooks, and macOS.
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